High Performance Sales

Developing the mindset and functional skills you need to drive sales growth


Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty and a rapidly changing environment, one of the biggest challenges facing organisations and business owners today is how to deliver sustainable sales growth. One thing that has not changed is the impact of salespeople on the buying decision. In a series of research studies, most organisations identified the salesperson as a deciding factor in whether to purchase from one vendor or another (Hoffeld, D. 2016). However, the findings also revealed that most salespeople are ineffective and actually hinder sales instead of making them, with only 37% of salespeople being consistently effective.

It is therefore necessary to combine foundational selling skills with the right mindset to achieve optimal performance in a sales environment because selling starts long before you speak to a prospect or customer, selling starts with how you feel about selling, the stories and beliefs you hold about selling. Selling first starts in your mind.

Huma Khan, is Space2BE’s sales expert and specialises in helping salespeople build the Psychological and Functional skills they need to deliver sustainable sales growth. Huma’s background includes over 20 years of commercial leadership experience working across multi-national brands and SME’s.

During her career she has successfully delivered over 275 cost increases and contract negotiations including retailer joint business plans, winning her two industry awards with Sainsbury’s and Nisa. Since then, she has been researching and practicing Positive Psychology, runs a successful sales portfolio, has a qualification in Workplace Coaching and NLP, is an accredited Psychometric Practitioner and is also completing her MSc in Occupational and Business Psychology.

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Raise the capabilities of your talent by drawing on; the latest thinking on the topic, our ability to apply this pragmatically to your context, a depth of development training expertise, specialist knowledge of creating transformative on-line spaces for those programmes that need it and critically, the ’in the moment’ skills of our high impact trainers.
Specifically for this programme we will:
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Focus on the change that will make the difference to your performance

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