Leaders as Coaches

An optimal blend of leadership coaching skills and practical application for organisational life


Our Leaders as Coaches programme is a highly effective training and coaching programme that is designed and delivered by senior executive coaches. The programme shows your managers and leaders how to confidently use coaching techniques with their direct reports and colleagues in everyday business conversations. Contextually, our ever-changing, highly competitive, fast-paced world requires leaders to develop, engage and motivate their teams, encouraging discretionary effort which adds value to the bottom line value. We know that traditional management and leadership styles do not achieve this in the long term.

At Space2BE, blending coaching and training is our sweet spot. You receive a high impact, highly experiential and well-informed programme that takes participants on an experience that provides numerous touch points for learning, in turn making them competent management coaches. Our trainers are senior executive coaches who have undertaken their masters degree level executive coaching training through leading business schools and university accredited bodies. They are also coaches of other coaches, known as ‘supervisors’ in the industry.

Organisationally, this programme has the power and potential to create a common language and approach that can if executed well, deliver you a high-performing culture. Individually, your managers and leaders will not only gain a lot of self insight they will learn a leadership style that will deliver greater team performance and prove useful for the rest of their career.

I have developed my self-awareness considerably, it was something I hadn’t previously considered as really important. I am more aligned to the HPT collective objectives and how I interact with the HPT post the coaching sessions. My coaching skills have also been developed significantly with some good working examples deployed, also the awareness of coaching requirements within my management team and the importance of giving them good honest feedback. Finally, using team participation and involvement to find the best solutions – stop and listen.

Senior Manager, Aerospace business

Trust us to...

Raise the capabilities of your talent by drawing on; the latest thinking on the topic, our ability to apply this pragmatically to your context, a depth of development training expertise, specialist knowledge of developing others to be coaches for organisational life and critically, the ’in the moment’ skills of our high impact trainers.
Specifically for this programme we will:
Get in touch

Provide you with high quality executive coaches to train and coach

Be able to help you integrate individual learning with bottom line impact

Be up to date about coaching in the workplace

Help you create a coaching culture

Provide a high impact learning experience

Provide follow up medium and long term support for participants