Women in Leadership

Supporting the creation of diverse leadership teams


Sadly, the phrase ‘women in leadership’ still exists and is frequently used within our industry because statistics remind us that equality in the workplace still hasn’t been reached. We use it here to identify a service line that is specifically designated to supporting women fulfil their full potential in leadership roles.

Recent figures still show that women only make up 39.1% (2021 www.gov.uk) of hires to UK boards. The proportion of women in senior management teams is much lower. Enlightened organisations are now recognising the need to invest proactively in building the female talent pipeline – and critically, recognise the need to consider that there might be inherent organisational challenges which are contributing to the problem.

Space2BE work at organisational and individual levels to support this strategic requirement. Organisationally, we consult and work with key stakeholders at the systemic level to explore the landscape for female talent and support accordingly. Individually, we provide tailored coaching and training for female talent. Afterwards, they are supported in group supervision which provides an ongoing confidential network where real challenges can be discussed.

The impact of working strategically and tactically with us in this way is an improved, more inclusive culture, a stronger female talent pipeline and greater performance.

Trust us to...

Work sensitively and dynamically with your business and meet you where you’re at, so that together, we can co-create a healthier balanced system to support women into leadership positions for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Specifically for this programme, we will:
Get in touch

Understand the bigger organisational picture

Provide you with systemic trained coaches and consultants

Work with you sensitively to explore the broader system

Maintain confidentiality

Partner with you in creating appropriate changes