Negotiation Skills

Developing your CORE business skill


Negotiation is THE core business skill. Whether it is negotiating the ‘big’ things like a contract or a large sales deal or whether it is one of the hundred micro-negotiations with colleagues that take place every day, our ability to get the best outcome is a key factor for success in our career or building our business.

In the 21st century, business leaders recognise that win-win strategies are the best approach, even for selfish reasons. If we can find outcomes that suit all parties, we will create extra value for all and our working relationships will be more productive. The good news is that methods exist to do this even in the most extreme circumstances.

Simon Horton is Space2BE’s expert negotiation trainer and coach. He has been teaching Negotiation Skills for 15 years. He has taught hostage negotiators, and has worked with some of the top law firms in the world and business leaders in every sector.

He is a Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College, University of London and is the author of the best-selling ‘The Leader’s Guide to Negotiation’, published by The Financial Times. His approach is to provide structured frameworks for achieving win-win, even when the wins seem mutually exclusive and even when the other person is not a win-win player.

The impact of this negotiation programme will undoubtedly be seen as an improvement over time on your bottom line.

Exceptionally useful, exceeded my expectations, it has been brilliant. Too many ‘takeaways’ to mention. Simon has been brilliant. His style is inspiring.

L&D manager, IPC Media

Trust us to...

Raise the capabilities of your talent by drawing on; the latest thinking on the topic, our ability to apply this pragmatically to your context, a depth of development training expertise, specialist knowledge of creating transformative on-line spaces for those programmes that need it and critically, the ’in the moment’ skills of our high impact trainers.
Specifically for this programme we will:
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