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What are the issues in your team?

Our starting point for writing this blog was to consider the vast number of themes we’ve worked with during the last 20 years when helping teams become high performing.  We’ve collated 23 of them and plotted them against the Space2BE HPT model to see where they land.  Perhaps you may recognise a few for your own team?

It is clear that any of the above ‘realities’ need to be changed in order for teams to become high performing over the long-term.  Unfortunately, anyone who has built teams will tell you there are no quick fixes and sometimes it can get a little sticky! The costs to your business / organisation of not doing so however can be huge.

High Performing teams pay as much attention to the ‘health & performance’ of their team as they do the balance sheet.  Some teams are already ‘good’ and merely need a little support around the edges to take them to ‘great’, others have a lot more work to do.  What would be the key ‘From’ / ‘To’s’ for your team?

Are your teams remote or working virtually?

COVID-19 has necessitated extensively more virtual working. Whilst the technology helps us ‘stay connected’ in a literal sense, only time will tell the extent to which being ‘virtual’ impacts the teams’ ability to be high performing.  Research and experience tells us that for task processes (communication, coordination and technology) virtual teams are effective and arguably for some ‘more efficient’, however for socio -emotional processes (relationship building, cohesion and trust), being ‘virtual’ can present new challenges. We have also developed successful and creative ways to take your team on a virtual team development journey if this is what they require.

Who are our trusted High Performing team lead developers?

Karen GriffinKaren Griffin – MSc, MBA, BA(Hons), FCIPD
Karen is a highly experienced and successful Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor, Leadership Developer and Talent / OD Consultant with over 25 year experience in the field. Karen enjoys working in partnership with clients is adept at aligning people solutions to business strategy. Her style is high energy, challenging yet supportive, informed yet collaborative. Her aim is always to deliver tangible, measurable benefits.


Graham Smith – MBA
Graham is a Board Level facilitator and coach, passionate about performance in Individuals, Teams and Organisations. With over 17 years of consulting experience Graham applies a solution-focused approach and brings a positive and creative mindset to the challenge of leadership development. His approach is very practical and believes the ability to hold effective and honest conversations is essential in high performing teams and works to develop that skill in leaders and teams.

Dr Sally Bonneywell – PhD, MBA, PgDiP, BA(Hons)
Sally is an award winning Executive Coach, Consultant and Supervisor with over 20 years’ experience in this field. She is highly insightful and focused on achieving results with her clients be it individuals, teams or organisations. She takes a systemic approach in all her coaching and consulting work, and clients value the holistic perspective this brings to their growth and development. Clients appreciate her style which is high energy, challenging, supportive, insightful and pragmatic.


If you decide you’d like to explore taking your team to the next level of performance, please contact or call us on 0208 7206991 and / or check out our HPT flyer.

Meanwhile, here are some top tips to implement straight away.

Top Tips