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Capability Building Programmes

Corporate Governance: Why Building and Leveraging it Matters

By Capability Building Programmes, Corporate Wellness, Organisational Development, Team
Corporate governance has been catapulted into astute Board thinking, partly due to the symbiotic relationship it enjoys with corporate culture – the latter having hardly been mentioned in corporate policy in 2008.   Having enjoyed a meteoric rise, it became one...Corporate governance has been catapulted into astute Board thinking, partly due to the symbiotic relationship it enjoys with corporate culture – the latter having hardly been mentioned in corporate policy in 2008.   Having enjoyed a meteoric rise, it became one...
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people holding miniature figures

Why Capability Building is Such a Big Deal

By Capability Building Programmes
You may have heard the term ‘capability building’ banded around, but what is it? Experts will tell you it is something essential to any organisation wishing to grow, improve performance and deliver impact.  It should be a high strategic priority...You may have heard the term ‘capability building’ banded around, but what is it? Experts will tell you it is something essential to any organisation wishing to grow, improve performance and deliver impact.  It should be a high strategic priority...
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Collaboration Re-focus is Key to ‘Hybrid Working’ Success

By Capability Building Programmes
Covid-19 has permanently changed the way in which we work.  This point is dramatically underlined by the title of Fujitsu’s research study into organisations’ attitudes towards future patterns of work – ‘No Going Back’.[i]  Hybrid working – working both from...Covid-19 has permanently changed the way in which we work.  This point is dramatically underlined by the title of Fujitsu’s research study into organisations’ attitudes towards future patterns of work – ‘No Going Back’.[i]  Hybrid working – working both from...
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Virtual Communications: Why Your Teams May Need Bursts of Emotional Rescue

By Capability Building Programmes
For two decades, digital communications have caused leaders and their teams some challenges, with the digital world not always providing the right context for message conveyance and interpretation.   Not hearing the tone behind the words written within an email, or...For two decades, digital communications have caused leaders and their teams some challenges, with the digital world not always providing the right context for message conveyance and interpretation.   Not hearing the tone behind the words written within an email, or...
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Examples of Great Leadership Practice in 2020

By Capability Building Programmes
We hear about great leadership every day because effective leadership is meaningful and impactful. Instead of the corporate hierarchy, great leadership involves social influence. Anyone can be a manger but not everyone can be a great leader. Leadership is the...We hear about great leadership every day because effective leadership is meaningful and impactful. Instead of the corporate hierarchy, great leadership involves social influence. Anyone can be a manger but not everyone can be a great leader. Leadership is the...
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Free coaching from Space2BE

By Capability Building Programmes
Does COVID have you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps you’ve recently lost a job, are struggling to keep your business afloat, or are feeling challenged in your leadership/team management? Our coaches, supervisors, mentors and consultants would love to support you with a...Does COVID have you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps you’ve recently lost a job, are struggling to keep your business afloat, or are feeling challenged in your leadership/team management? Our coaches, supervisors, mentors and consultants would love to support you with a...
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Team of people together

Does your team lift or lower your performance?

By Capability Building Programmes
What are the issues in your team? Our starting point for writing this blog was to consider the vast number of themes we’ve worked with during the last 20 years when helping teams become high performing.  We’ve collated 23 of...What are the issues in your team? Our starting point for writing this blog was to consider the vast number of themes we’ve worked with during the last 20 years when helping teams become high performing.  We’ve collated 23 of...
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Could You Be More Resilient?

By Capability Building Programmes
If you’re reading this blog, I anticipate you already consider yourself ‘resilient’ and maybe even ‘extremely resilient’. As a consultant and executive coach, resilience building has been increasingly on my radar, probably since the 2007 / 2008 credit crunch and...If you’re reading this blog, I anticipate you already consider yourself ‘resilient’ and maybe even ‘extremely resilient’. As a consultant and executive coach, resilience building has been increasingly on my radar, probably since the 2007 / 2008 credit crunch and...
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Collaboration, Teams and High Performance; How To Achieve It and Why It Is Important

By Capability Building Programmes
A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review (1) suggests that working in teams is becoming the new normal; it found that the time spent in collaborative activities at work has increased by 50% over the past 20 years....A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review (1) suggests that working in teams is becoming the new normal; it found that the time spent in collaborative activities at work has increased by 50% over the past 20 years....
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A Mirroring of Experience – Individual Reactions to Change

By Capability Building Programmes
We don’t know what we don’t know. New space. New experience. New discomfort. That’s perhaps how some of the UK are feeling right now post the referendum and Brexit. Frustration prevails, except for those moments of clarity when it is...We don’t know what we don’t know. New space. New experience. New discomfort. That’s perhaps how some of the UK are feeling right now post the referendum and Brexit. Frustration prevails, except for those moments of clarity when it is...
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