With so many different executive leadership and coaching service providers around, it’s easy to take a scatter-gun approach to commissioning services in this field, focusing just on what you need in the here and now. Is that the right decision though, when you could be utilising the expertise of a stable of first-class coaches, highly experienced management consultants and executive development mentors, carefully assembled to be part of the Space2BE team? Are there benefits to keeping all your learning and development needs within our stable and, if so, what are they?
One major advantage is that, if we handle all of your needs across the board, from talent management to agile leadership, we can see the whole course – the journey you need to take as a business, to achieve your corporate goals. We can apply a grandstand view to your mission and KPIs and assess how we can help you negotiate all the hurdles that lay ahead, as you attempt to be first past the post every time, securing competitive advantage.
This not only enables us to be major contributors to your strategy but also allows us to zoom in on key areas where you need help. You may have backmarkers who are struggling within your organisation, who require additional assistance, added resilience or wellbeing support; you may have what appear to be insurmountable obstacles, but which are actually ones that can easily be addressed with the application of the right coaching, training and mentoring.
When you bring your team to our stable and appoint us as your ‘trainer’, we can fully understand the DNA of your company, ensuring the initial Q&A and fact-finding stage of our partnering with you is as complete and effective as possible. We can then create the right bespoke ‘fitness programme’ that will optimise your performance company-wide and put you ahead of the field, even when the odds seem stacked against you.
We can analyse individual performance and put key personnel through our thoroughbred leadership development training. We can identify the ‘loose horses’, who need to be better reined in, to prevent issues further down the line. We can pinpoint where better training could vastly enhance the performance and pedigree of some team players, including in areas such as sales.
Being your sole external resource in this way, also means we can provide free one-to-one or group supervision for the implementors of training and coaching within your organisation, facilitating reflection on their approaches and experiences, and providing you with top line insights that you can feedback into your strategy. We effectively become part of your team, whilst not fully crossing the line, so that we can retain objectiveness and be the independent pair of eyes that reviews your processes, structures, leadership impact and strategies.
This saves you having to tout around for different jockeys to manage different parts of your training and coaching programme. We have done that selection process for you, curating a team of highly respected and top-quality coaches who have all earned their silks within trade and industry and who have the skill and insight to steer you on the right course.
All your administration is reduced, whether that be chemistry chats, invoicing, session scheduling or programme reviews. Once we are in the saddle, we streamline all these areas, to make programme delivery as efficient as possible, in terms of the time you need to devote to arranging the finer details and training set-up.
Having a partner who knows your organisation inside-out can pay dividends should you need to embark on a programme of change – a nifty turn, which is required to alter the direction in which you are taking your team. With no need to go through a learning curve, we can hit the ground running to assist you with that.
With Space2BE as your specialist – and one which will work closely with your internal HR and Learning and Development teams – you have all that you require to reach the ‘winners’ enclosure’, without having to gamble and bring in other resources and providers.
Contact us today on 0208 720 6991 or visit www.space2be.co to assess our form, whether your current company ‘going’ is heavy, good to soft, or currently firm but potentially changing due to gathering storm clouds.